
The Platina:


Common Name: Platina.
Prover: Stapf.
Temperament: Sanguine.
Miasm: Psora.
Relation with heat and cold: Hot.

Constitution of Platina:

It is especially suited to hysterical women such as have undergone fright, prolonged excitement, or from disappointment shock, or sexual organs exceedingly sensitive , or suffer from prolonged haemorrhages.( 1 )

Sphere of action of Platina:

it mainly act on

Platina homoeopathic medicine

1. Central Spinal System
2. Digestive system
3. Sexual organ

Pathogenesis of Platina:

Acting on CSS it produces un co- coordination in function. It specially affect periferal nerve. On acting nerve centres it depressing the sensorium and producing a anaesthesia, paralysis. It produce  numbness.
It affect second and third branch of facial nerve.( 2 )

Ailments from of Platina:

fright, grief, vexation, pride, sexual excess, masturbation, bereavement; fit of passion.( 3 )

Guiding Symptoms of Platina:

  1. The becomes pride and hauteur in the mental sphere. Lost sense of proportion in both ocular and mental vision. Objects look small or the patient thinks them small.  The patient (generally a woman) looks down on everything and everybody.
  2. Pains of Platina go from right to left. The right side is somewhat more pronounced affected than the left. The occurrence of cramps, cramping pains and spasms, developing into convulsions. The cramping pains causes numbness and tingling in the parts affected. These pains increase gradually  and then as gradually decline.
  3. The alternation of mental and physical symptoms: as physical symptoms disappear mental symptoms appear, and vice versa. This alternating feature is also seen between one mental state and another: Changing moods, sad and gay alternately, laughs and cries by turns.
  4. There is also a perverse state: Laughs immoderately, but in the wrong place, laughs at serious things.
  5. Excessive desire, especially in virgins. Premature and excessive development of sexual instinct and organs. Nymphomania worse in puerperal state.
  6. During menses uterine spasms, convulsions. Convulsions of puerperal state. Catalepsy during menstruation. Spasms alternate between convulsive actions and opisthotonos, full consciousness. Spasms alternate with dyspnoea.
  7. Platina has some characteristic symptoms in relation to the bowels. Its cramping tendency makes it an antidote to lead poisoning, and it has constipation. The stools of Plat. are tenacious and sticky, adhere to the rectum and anus like putty, or they may be hard as if burnt, the constipation comes on while travelling, in emigrants, during pregnancy. 8.Peculiar Sensations and Symptoms are: As if her senses would vanish. As if parts of malar bones were between screws. As if everything about her were very small. As if she were constantly growing longer and longer. As if she did not belong to her own family. Vertigo as if torn and pulled with threads. Forehead as if constricted, screwed on, as if a board pressed against it. As if temples too tightly bound. Scalp as if contracted, chest, heavy weight on it. As if head were enlarged. As if throat constricted, palate elongated, tongue scalded. As if abdomen, as if, nape, limbs, thing, great toe, tightly wrapped or constricted. Back and small of back as if broken. Crawling, tingling, numb sensations. Spasmodic yawning.
  8. The symptoms are periodic and paroxysmal, as well as alternating.( 4 )

Platina mind

  • The Platina patient, on the one hand , is driven by a powerful, excessive sexual desire; on the other hand , she is strongly idealistic and emotional.
  • The Platina shows itself on the sexual and the mental levels.
  • From a young age, the patina woman feels strong sexual desire , which can be distractingly intense.
  • There may be great hyperesthesia of genitals, leading to masturbation.
  • They are hysterical patient, alternately gay and sad. Can cry easily. She is in a contemptuous mood, anxious and serious over matters that are not serious, irritable about trifling thing, is moody and sulky over slight vexations, anxious, weeping. irritable about trifling things.
  • Sits in a corner, broods and says nothing.
  • The Platina patient wants the relationship to be as fulfilling emotionally as the she desires it to be sexually, her desire are so extremely intense that it is virtually impossible for any man to satisfy them.
  • She then becomes disappointed. This lead to the fundamental pathology of Platina. She becomes tormented for a long time by unsuccessful suppression into idealism, and eventually develops an exaggerated ego sense and haughtiness.
  • At this stage she experience physical sensation or delusions .
  • Like , she feels as if parts of her body have enlarged size.
  • Most characteristic symptom is PRIDE AND OVER ESTIMATION OF ONE’ S SELF.
  • During first stage of pathology , the patient may alternate between the emotionally haughty state and intensely sexual state. There may be alternation between mental symptoms and physical symptoms.
  • On second stage of development of platina pathology, perversion and nymphomania become increasingly manifest. Further she may feel a powerful desire to kill closet to her, such as her husband and children.
  • This desire in Platina is stimulated by the presence or sight of knife. This is controlled desire to kill. She has fear that something serious will happened to her.
  • In the third stage of Platina pathology, a true insanity develops.
  • The haughtiness becomes exaggerated. In insane stage, she believes she is royalty, that other are beneath her, that she is great and powerful.
  • The platina delusion is an exaggerated sense of personal ego status. This called SUPERIORITY COMPLEX.( 5 )

Particular Symptoms of Platina:

1. HEAD:

Tensive confusion in forehead, as if head were compressed in a vice. Neuralgic headache in sensitive or hysterical persons ( 6 ) . Pressing headache from without to within the forehead and temples, pains gradually increase and as gradually decrease. worse in evening from stooping, while at rest, in the room, better from exercise and in open air.

Transient attacks of vertigo in evening with loss of consciousness. Vertigo on sitting down or ascending stairs.

Attack of headache, with nausea and vomiting. Sensation of numbness in head, and externally at vertex, preceded by a sensation of contraction of brain and of scalp. Pain in sides of head, as if caused by a plug.

Platina has Constrictive headache, as if a tape were tightly drawn around it, with sensation of numbness in brain, flushes of heat and ill-humour, worse from stooping and exercise. Formication in one temple, extending to lower jaw, with sensation of coldness on that spot, better from rubbing. Pressive, cramp- like, compressive pains in the forehead and temples, especially in root of nose, greatly worse by movement and by stooping, sometimes with heat and redness of face, inquietude, and weeping. Tingling in temples, as if caused by insects. Buzzing and noise in head, like that of a mill. ( 4 )
Headache with leucorrhoea. As of water in forehead. ( 3 )

2. EYES:

Pain in eyes after fatiguing the sight by looking attentively at an object. Tension in sockets, with gnawing pain, as from excoriation in margins. Cramp-like pain in edges of orbits. Compressive tension in eyeballs. Aching in eyes with sleep. Platina has Creeping tingling in canthi. Sensation of heat or of coldness and smarting in eyes. Trembling or spasmodic quivering of eyelids. Eyes convulsed. Objects appear smaller than they really are. Confused sight, as if directed through a veil, often with painless twitchings round they eye. Quivering and sparkling before sight.

3. EARS:

Platina has Otalgia with cramp-like pain. Shocks in ears. (Sticking jerking in right outer ear with) sensation of numbness and of coldness in ears, extending to cheeks and lips. Gnawing tingling in ears. Roaring, whizzing, and ringing in ears. ( 4 ) Thundering jerks like distant cannonade, in right ear. ( 6 )

4. NOSE:

Cramp-like pain, with sensation of numbness in nose and at root of nose. Ineffectual want to sneeze and tingling in nose. Dry coryza, often semi-lateral. Corrosive sensation on nose, as of something acrid. ( 4 )

5. FACE:

Face pale, wan, and sunken. Burning heat and glowing redness in face, with ardent thirst and dryness of mouth, especially in evening. Distortion of muscles of faces. Sensation of coldness, with tingling and sensation of numbness throughout (right) side of face.

Platina has Cramp and tensive pressure in zygomatic processes. Benumbing, dull pressure in malar bone. Pulsative digging in jaws, especially in evening and during repose, with involuntary weeping. Lockjaw. Gnawing, with pain as from excoriation in lips and chin, which compel scratching. Smarting and lancinating vesicles on lips. Lips dry and cracked. Plexus venarum, of a reddish blue colour, on chin. (Purple, net-like appearance on chin (6) .) Sensation of torpor or coldness round mouth and chin. Cramp in jaw.( 4 )
Prosopalgia, with numb feeling in malar bones, as if the parts were between screws. ( 7 )


Odontalgia with pulsative and digging pain. Platina has Cramp-like drawing, which recurs by fits, in teeth. Numb pain in left lower teeth. Fissures in gums.( 4 )


Sensation of coldness, especially in mouth. Platina has Crawling sensation on tongue. Burning pain under tongue sensation as if it had been burnt scalded.Sweet taste on tip of the tongue.(4)


Sensation is if throat were raw during (empty) deglutition. Cramp-like drawing in throat, like a constrictions. Sensation as if palate or uvula were elongated. Scraping and accumulation of phlegm in throat. Platina has Hawking up of phlegm.( 4 )


Mucous, clammy taste. Adipsia. Loss of appetite after the first mouthful. Repugnance to food, arising from sadness. Dislike to food. Bulimy. Voracious (ravenous) rapidity in eating, with a disposition to find fault with everything (to detest everything around himself). After a meal, risings, pressure on stomach, and colic.
Platina has Loss of appetite on account of depressed mood. ( 6 )
Thirstlessness; or, thirst during heat.( 6 )


Ineffectual effort to eructate. Empty, noisy eructations. Serum of a disagreeable sweetish bitterness ascends throat, and puts patient in danger of choking. Continued nausea, with lassitude, trembling, and anxiety. Aching (pressure) in stomach, especially after a meal. Sensation of constriction in pit of stomach, extending into abdomen. Fermentations in epigastric region. Flatulent soreness towards hypogastrium. Contractive pain in scrobiculus, as if it were squeezed too tightly. Platina has Pressure or shocks, or else throbbing, shootings, and pinchings in scrobiculus. Burning sensation in scrobiculus, sometimes extending from throat into abdomen.


Pains in abdomen, with dull and jerking pressive. Inflation of abdomen, with difficult and interrupted expulsion of flatus. Pressing and bearing down in abdomen extending into pelvis. Constriction in abdomen. Shootings in the side of abdomen and in umbilical region. Gnawing in abdomen. Platina has Drawing in groins, commending from sacrum.
Painter’s colic; pain in umbilical region, extending through into back; patient screams and tries to relieve the pain by turning into all possible positions.


Constipation: after lead poisoning or while travelling, sometimes very obstinate. The stool is discharged with difficulty, seeming to stick to anus and rectum like putty. Frequent want, with scanty evacuation, which is voided in pieces, and with great efforts. Evacuations of consistence of pap. Stool hard, as if burnt. Platina has Taenia and ascarides are discharged from rectum during evacuation and at other times. After evacuation general shuddering or sensation of weakness in abdomen. Frequent itching, tingling, and tenesmus in anus, especially in the evening (before sleep). Violent and dull lancinations in rectum.


Red urine with a white cloud, or else which becomes turbid, and deposits a red sediment. Slow but frequent emission of urine.( 4 )


Burning pain and gnawing in scrotum. Unnatural increase of sexual desire, with frequent erections, especially at night (with amorous dream). Voluptuous crawling in genital organs and abdomen, with anxious oppression and palpitation, then painless pressure downwards in genitals with sticking in sinciput and exhaustion. Platina has Flow of prostatic fluid. Coition of too short duration, with but little enjoyment. ( 4 )
Morbid excitement inducing onanism, especially if prepubic.(6 )


Nymphomania, worse in the lying-in; tingling or titillation from genitals up into abdomen.
Painful sensitiveness and continual pressure in region of mons veneris and genital organs; body, except the face, feels cold. Prolapsus uteri.

Induration of the uterus; ulceration, with co-existing ovarian irritation.
Platina has Ovaries inflamed with burning pains in paroxysms, stitches in the forehead. Also chronic ovaritis. Ovaritis with sterility. ( 7 )

Frequent sensation as if the menses would appear.
Menses too early, too profuse and too short-lasting; flow dark, clotted; preceded by spasms, much bearing down, desire for stool, or backache; during the flow, pinching in abdomen, excruciating pains in uterus, twitchings, with screams; melancholy.

Metrorrhagia, the body feels as if growing large; genitals very sensitive; nymphomania.
Hemorrhages in clots, with uterine cancer, fibroids, etc.; even the fibroid may be cured.

Leucorrhoea like white of egg, only by day, after urination and after rising from a seat.
Pruritis vulvae; voluptuous tingling, with anxiety and palpitation of the heart.
Vulva painfully sensitive during coitus.


Platina has Contractions interrupted by sensitiveness of vagina and external parts; labor-pains; spasmodic, painful, but ineffectual.
After labor, so sensitive, she cannot bear touch of napkin.( 6 )


Aphonia. Short, nervous, dry cough, with palpitation and dyspnoea. Short, difficult, and anxious respiration.

18. CHEST:

Shortness of breath, with constrictive oppression of chest. Inclination to draw a long breath, prevented by a sensation of weakness in chest. Anxious oppression of chest, with sensation of heat, which ascends from epigastrium.
Pain in chest, as if a weight were pressing upon it, Tension, pressure, and shootings in sides of chest, which do not permit lying down on either side. Aching and dull blows in chest, spasmodic pressure in one side of chest spasmodic pain in chest commencing slightly, Dull lancinations in sides of chest, during an inspiration. ( 4 )

19. COUGH:

Hysterical dry cough, from stifling beneath upper fourth of sternum.
Cramp-pain in left chest, gradually increasing and decreasing in intensity. ( 6 )

20. HEART:

Burning and sticking low down by heart. A dull pressure in region of apex of heart.( 4 )
Great anxiety and palpitation; commencing endo or pericarditis Pulse regular, but small and weak, sometimes tremulous.


Rigidity of nape of neck. Weakness and sensation of tensive numbness in nape of neck (the head sinks forward)( 4 ) Cramp in posterior muscles of neck; tensive, numb feeling close to occiput, as if tied together. ( 6 )
Contusive pain in loins and in back, especially when pressing upon them, or else when bending backwards. Pains in back and small of back as if broken, after a walk worse bending backwards. Spasmodic pain in loins. Sensation of numbness in coccyx, as after a blow.( 4 )

22. LIMBS:

Cramp-like jerking and drawing pains in limbs and joints. Tension in limbs (especially thighs) as if bound too tightly with ligatures. Attack of spasmodic rigidity in limbs, without loss of consciousness, but with clenching of jaws, loss of speech, eyes convulsed, and involuntary movements of the commissures of lips and eyelids. Tingling restlessness, sensation of weakness and trembling in limbs, especially during repose and in open air.


Heaviness and lassitude of arms, with paralytic pulling. Paralysed sensation in left arm, in both arms. Aching and spasmodic pain in forearms, hands, and fingers, especially when grasping anything firmly. Itching, gnawing, pricking, and burning sensation in arms, hands, and fingers. Sensation of stiffness in forearms. Painful throbbing in fingers. Distortion of fingers. Numbness of fingers. Trembling of right thumb, with numbness. Numbness of little finger. Ulcers on fingers.


Spasmodic pain and tension in things, feet, and toes. Weakness of thighs and knees, as if they were broken. Pain as from a blow in left knee. Shocks and blows in legs. Lassitude of legs. Restlessness and trembling in legs, with a sensation of numbness and rigidity. Lassitude and numbness in feet when seated. Coldness of feet. Gnawing, excoriation, and smarting in ankle- bones, greatly worse by least touch. Painful throbbing in toes. Swelling on ball of toe, with tearing and nocturnal pulsations. Ulcers on toes. Pain in great toe as if too tightly enveloped.

23. SKIN:

Tingling gnawing, with pain as of excoriation, and itching or burning, pricking, and shooting pain on various parts of skin, which provokes scratching. Ulcers (on fingers and toes).

24. SLEEP:

Convulsive and spasmodic yawning, especially in afternoon. Great disposition to sleep in evening. Prolonged sleep in morning. Anxious dreams of wars and bloodshed. Lascivious dreams. Waking at night, especially after midnight (with frightful dreams, want of consciousness), or with anxious, sad, and distressing thoughts. Bewilderment at night on waking. At night patient lies on back, with arms above head, legs drawn up, with strong inclination to uncover them.

25. FEVER:

Pulse small, feeble, frequently tremulous. Constant shivering and shuddering over whole body, especially in open air. Chilliness predominates, with low spirits, which ceases during heat. Heat with sensation of burning in face, without any visible change in colour of face (she thought she was very red, but colour the same as usual). Flushes of heat, interrupted by chilliness. Gradually increasing, and in the same manner gradually decreasing heat.


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