Proverbs in Homeopathy

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The Proverbs in Homeopathy:

Proverbs in Homeopathy:

Following are total 26 Proverbs in Homeopathy. These all are most useful and practically more important Proverbs in Homeopathy practice. These proverbs are very helpful for homeopathic physician in their clinic to give permanent cure to their patient :

  1. ?Anyone will make mistake , none but a fool ( *baryta* ) will continue in it.
  2. ?Some born great ( *plat* ) , others achieve greatness ( *aur* ) and some ( *lyco* ) have greatness thrust upon them ?A job worth doing , is a job worth doing well ( *aur* ) .
  3. ?Empty vessels make the most noise ( *verat* ) .
  4. ?An honourable death is better than a dishonoured life ( *aur* ) .
  5. ?Great talkers are little doers ( *lach ., sulph* ) .
  6. ?A great talker is a great liar ( *op* ) .
  7. ?An idle brain is the devil’s workshop ( *iod* ) .
  8. ?Everything is within the reach of him who makes incessant efforts to get it ( *metals* ) .
  9. ?A penny saved is a penny gained or earned ( *ars ., bry ., calc-fl ., nux-v* ) .
  10. ?A rolling stone gathers no mass ( *fl-ac ., tub* ) .
  11. ?Better late than never ( *stram ., carbons ., cann-in* ) .
  12. ?Cheerfulness is the medicine for the mind ( *croc* ) .
  13. ?Giving and forgiving ( *magnesia* ) .
  14. ?Fear is a dark room , in which negatives are developed ( *gels ., stram* ) .
  15. ?In sickness we fear for our lives ; additionally in health we fear for our money ( *ars ., calc ., lyc* ) .
  16. ?Still water , runs deep ( *ign ., aur ., nat-m ., verat* ) .
  17. ?Jack of all trades also master of none ( *lach* ) .

Other proverbs

  1. ?Pride and grace , dwell never in one place ( *plat ., verat* ) .
  2. ?Honesty is the best policy ( *staph* ) .
  3. ?Strike while the iron is hot ( *lach* ) .
  4. ?Great haste makes great waste ( *apis ., mosch ., nat-m .,* ) .
  5. ?Age is a matter of feeling ; not of years ( *fl-ac* ) .
  6. ?A bird in hand is worth two in the bush ( *calc* ) .
  7. ?The easiest way to dignity is humility ( *carc ., staph* ) .
  8. ?He who forgives , ends the quarrel ( *magnesia* ) .
  9. ?You will never be a leader , unless you first learn to follow ( *aloe ., choc* )


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